Immutep (NASDAQ:IMMP) Given New $7.00 Price Target at Robert W. Baird

Immutep (NASDAQ:IMMPGet Free Report) had its price objective boosted by Robert W. Baird from $6.00 to $7.00 in a report issued on Friday,Benzinga reports. The brokerage currently has an “outperform” rating on the biotechnology company’s stock. Robert W. Baird’s price objective would indicate a potential upside of 234.93% from the stock’s current price.

Immutep Stock Performance

NASDAQ:IMMP opened at $2.09 on Friday. The stock has a 50-day moving average price of $2.12 and a 200 day moving average price of $2.33. The company has a current ratio of 18.25, a quick ratio of 18.25 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.01. Immutep has a 12-month low of $1.58 and a 12-month high of $3.34.

Institutional Investors Weigh In On Immutep

A number of hedge funds have recently made changes to their positions in IMMP. XTX Topco Ltd bought a new stake in Immutep in the 2nd quarter worth approximately $26,000. BNP Paribas Financial Markets raised its stake in Immutep by 15.4% during the first quarter. BNP Paribas Financial Markets now owns 35,300 shares of the biotechnology company’s stock valued at $82,000 after purchasing an additional 4,700 shares in the last quarter. Virtu Financial LLC raised its position in shares of Immutep by 269.4% during the 1st quarter. Virtu Financial LLC now owns 45,062 shares of the biotechnology company’s stock valued at $105,000 after buying an additional 32,864 shares in the last quarter. XY Capital Ltd purchased a new stake in Immutep during the second quarter valued at approximately $105,000. Finally, Meridian Wealth Management LLC raised its holdings in Immutep by 4.5% during the 3rd quarter. Meridian Wealth Management LLC now owns 398,450 shares of the biotechnology company’s stock valued at $881,000 after buying an additional 17,250 shares during the period. 2.32% of the stock is currently owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

Immutep Company Profile

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Immutep Limited, a clinical-stage biotechnology company, engages in developing novel LAG-3 Immunotherapy for cancer and autoimmune diseases. The company is involved in advancing therapeutics related to Lymphocyte Activation Gene-3 (LAG-3), a cell surface molecule that plays a vital role in regulating the immune system.

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